The NBS photography competition is well on it’s way now and we’re are amazed at the entries we’ve had so far! With just under 8 weeks to go, we want to show you some of the photographs we’ve received.

The following images are just some of the entries we’ve had this year but with just over 300 so far, we’re excited to see some more of your un-bee-lievable photographs.

Without further ado, take a look at these!

From Spectacular macro shots to the very regal Queen bees making an appearance, entries so far have been some of the best we’ve ever seen. But it isn’t all about the professional set up! We have had some fantastic action shots taken on mobile phones that are some of our favourites!

It’s not all about the bees though. We want to see how your hives fit in to your everyday lives. Do you have a small garden with a hive situated next to your flower beds? Or do you have a large open space with many hives all working together? We want to see some of your amazing set ups!

It’s not too late to enter your photos and tell us your beekeeping stories through the art of photography! Remember if your photograph wins, you’ll be the lucky owner of an industry – leading starter kit or £500 in vouchers! So dust off your old camera, make yourself a large flask of coffee and get exploring the wonderful world of bees!

To enter, simply choose the category that best suits your photograph and click the upload photo button.